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Horizon in the sea
Horizon in the sea

Supplier Portal

Register your interest as a supplier

Go to registration form below

This page is designed to facilitate first contact with suppliers who want to help us with our Norwegian offshore wind mission. At Blåse we recognize the value that a strong, local supply base can bring to our operations.

The nature of our industry and our commitment to Norwegian offshore wind is long term, and therefore will be reflected by long-lasting relationships with our suppliers. That is why we are actively seeking to expand our local as well as international supplier networks.

By expanding our supplier base, we aim to maximize the economic impact within the region, create new job opportunities, and contribute to local economy as much as possible.

Through this Supplier Portal, we provide a first point of contact for you showcase your products, services, and capabilities to our procurement team. Whether you specialize in components, equipment, or various services, we are interested in hearing from you. We value suppliers who share our commitment to excellence, sustainability, and ethical business practices.

We encourage you to provide comprehensive details about your company, capabilities, and track record, as this will help us to assess where you could help us.

Et barn som smiler med vind i håret
Et barn som smiler med vind i håret

Please get in touch

    Small description of service incl. for which project phase

    Do you have any innovative product(s) that might be of interest?

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